
(ISC)² Chapter Meetup in Berlin
Mittwoch, 22. April 2020, 19:00 - 21:00
Aufrufe : 8865
von Jan-Tilo Kirchhoff

The next meetup of the Berlin Regional group will be held at 

adesso SE

Rotherstraße 19 

10245 Berlin


Christian Kahlo has proposed to talk about to topics around electronic IDs:
  1. Projekt meID mal aus fachlicher Sicht, „German eID card _inside_ your mobile phone“. 
  2. Die c-base ID „c-id – next generation hackspace ID” … allerdings da noch prototypisch

Other Topics include (but are not limited to):

- Chapter Update 

- Current Security Issues of Interest 

- any other topics the participants might bring up.


We aim to have an open discussion of interesting topics, so the contents of our discussions is kept confidential based on Chatham House Rules. 

The meetups are organized on behalf of (isc)² Chapter Germany, but we are open to anyone who is interested in furthering the field of IT security and the community around it.

If you are interested in joining please contact Jan-Tilo Kirchhoff

Depending on the participants the meeting will be held in English unless we should have only German speaking participants. 

Ort Berlin